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Nurturing Leads: 6 Steps to Convert Leads into Sales

Generating leads.

It’s the name of the game for a lot of businesses.

No matter how big or small.

But finding the leads is one thing, keeping them and turning it into a sale is a whole other task.

Shaking HandsAnd it feels like many times there is not a whole lot of rhyme or reason as to why or when a lead will convert into a sale.

But, still it’s important to do what you can to make sure that you have the best opportunity to convert a lead to a sale.

That is what we call lead nurturing.

So that begs the question, what's the best way to make sure the odds will be in your favor?

Well, it takes a coordinated effort. And it doesn't just happen overnight. Lead nurturing is a process, but in the end it can pay off by bringing in new sales.

So we put together 6 tips to best nurture your leads and get them to buy!



This is the basis of marketing your business. This is the foundation. The first brick you should be laying.

And we have an eBook for you that breaks down how to better understand the audience that you are selling to.

It seems like every blog post we write here at Mazama Media at least touches on this concept.

But there is a reason for that: IT’S IMPORTANT!

And, I know this is not new information that we are presenting here but…

The customer is pretty important in the success of your company!

Defining the Audience

I know! Groundbreaking, but it's true! You can never lose sight of that fact!

And it really doesn’t take a whole lot of effort to grasp either.

So, with that as the base of your understanding build in it from there!

Talk to the people that you sell to.

You as a company likely have a culture, a set of values that you build on. You hire people that believe in those values, and odds are you sell to people that believe in those values.

Learn about them. Ask them questions. What are their likes, interests and goals?

Here is a great piece on what it’s like selling to a small town such as Bend, Oregon.

And while each audience you cater to has its own unique sets of challenges, this blog gives a great understanding of what needs to be done to cater to a specific set of people.



This is a crucial part of the lead nurturing process.

And really is an important part of any marketing that your company is doing.

That allows for one message being presented from the entire company.

Social Media MarketingIf you just start throwing stuff randomly at the wall hoping something will stick, that is not effective.

Come at this with a plan! Have a message and a unified front that you want to show to the people that you're selling to.

Something that embodies what you and your company stand for.

And then, plaster that message across any and every platform you have at your disposal! Social media, email and any ads or retargeting ads you are running. This will help people understand what you are all about, and keep them wanting more!

And if you want to get your next campaign up and running, we have a great checklist for you that will get you started down the right path.

That’s the name of the game!



That means you want to be the place people turn to for whatever line of work you are in. Whether that's cars, construction, or specialty food, be the authority on it!

Be the source that has all of the answers. Be the place people turn to.

Whether you do that through blogs, eBooks, emails, podcasts or webinars be the resource people can trust. Creating that content will get people to head to your website to learn more about what you do and what you are all about.

And that website needs to be full of more great content to keep people engaged and learning.

If you want to read more about how to create a successful website that converts click here.

This may seem obvious since we are talking about lead nurturing here, the name kind of implies what we are trying to do.

But the more you can engage a potential client the better!Become an industry leader

Using all of the resources you have at your disposal to make sure they understand and see what you are selling!

We always go by the rule that it takes getting in front of someone eight times before they decide to take action.

And not only that, in the case of nurturing a lead, you are trying to build a trusting relationship and credibility.

That’s the real thinking behind the lead nurturing process. You want to become the resource they turn to.

That's why you need to keep providing good, quality content that is educational and engaging. And keep giving them that content in order to foster that relationship.

That is key to turning a lead into a potential buyer.



So while you are creating all of this great content for the potential leads to consume, it's important to keep reaching out to them.

And yes it may seem like you are reaching out to them by creating this conduct for them, but what happens when you go the extra mile?Phone Call

What happens when you send an email or even pick up the phone and give them a call.

That is going the extra mile to make a potential client feel that you care, and it's really not hard to do.

That is going to go a long way in creating and cultivating that relationship that will help turn a lead into a client.

Show that you want to be the helping hand. You've put in all of this work on this campaign. Make sure you're reaching out, showing that you are there to help out!

Do this in a timely manner as well. Don't wait!

Converting the lead into an opportunity ultimately has a time clock on it. So, if people are engaging with the content you are putting out, strike while the iron is hot!



Okay, we have all received those canned emails from companies you have bought from.

Sending personal emailsIt’s pretty easy to see those, they don’t include your name, or your company’s name or really anything personal at all.

That’s the type of email that gets opened and deleted or not even opened at all!

So personalize them where you can!

Those personalized emails are what get opened.

We never send an email through our system without at a minimum including the first name of the person we are sending and their companies name.

It's a little touch that shows you are taking the time to recognize they are an individual, not just another cog in the machine grinding forward to make more money.

People want to feel wanted, this is a simple way to do that.



That starts with making sure the marketing team and the sales team are on the same page in order to effectively convert a lead into a sale.


Those two teams should be in constant communication with each other as each have a role to play. The sales team is talking with clients regularly and can offer some fantastic insight into what customers are saying.

They know what questions they are asking, what their concerns are, and what sells them on you! That is an invaluable asset to have in your corner!

Communication is key!

So keep in contact with these people and prove your worth. Show that you are the one that should be helping them out.

Be the resource they are looking for. And in no time as you move them through your lead nurturing process you will see them turn into sales.

Lead Nurturing

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